Thursday, September 5, 2013

Top 10: Male Heroes!

We all have certain Video Game heroes we can't "live without", but can we rank them in a justified way? Sure, some of the heroes are greater than others; some heroes have saved an entire galaxy, some heroes have just saved thousands of lives. A hero is one who truly fights for what's right and even in the darkest hour, keeps on fighting.

So here is my list of my "playable heroes" in video games of all time which has left its mark on me.

10. Captain Price (Call of Duty)

OK first of all he's not a playable hero I get it, but reason NR 1 why he's a hero? LOOK AT HIS BLOODY MUSTACHE! Other reasons? HE'S IMMORTAL! By that I mean he's in almost every call of duty game, not that he never dies... Feels like he never age! Anyhow, he's one of the reasons why I kept playing those games, he gave me interests in what happens next and why etc. Captain Price has always been there for you, if it is from getting away from a sinking ship, fighting against incredible odds, or to kill a guy while both of you are lying there dying.

9. Marcus Fenix (Gears Of War)

OK ok, this is more because he's shouting with his raspy voice and all the gore and... yeah the shooting, He's badass, simple as that. The way you get to know the characters is neat, as the game goes by, you'll actually understand more and more. he got labeled as a coward, why? He abandoned his post to save his dad, that's a hero in my eyes!

8. Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)

So... yeah, he's a good guy. Who likes to horribly massacre the bad guys, but he's good! Ryu slices up any enemies that comes his way, even World-threatening ancient evils! A true hero of the east, armed with the legendary Dragon Sword. Long Story short, Ryu inherits the sword from his father and tries to save all he cares for. And Defeating Fiends in his way to reach his goal.

7. William "Bill" Overbeck (Left 4 Dead)

A Vietnam veteran who served in the US Army 1st Special Forces Group. His favorite gun is the M16, the same rifle he used in 'nam. Why this is a Hero? He's fought in Vietnam and he's fighting a massive horde of undead with 3 other random people he just met, and he's beating them! Bill is a Hero because he Sacrificed himself for the greater good of his new friends. No matter what, they kept on going.

6. Jim Raynor (StarCraft)

Jim Raynor, a protagonist from the StarCraft series, he fights for what's right, and even vowing to kill his former love, Kerrigan. He is truly the concept of the greater good and willing to put it all on the line to save others. He is extremely skilled and will gladly fight beside you in a sticky situation.

5. Dante (Devil may Cry)

DO I really need to explain this one? ugh fine, Dante is a Devil hunter who has dedicated his life to exterminate Demons, He's a snappy and a "witty" (by that i mean: Cocky, Sarcastic, and confident) character before he beats the demons to bits! and ladies got something to look at too, since he's often wearing jacket open with no shirt!

4. Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

How Isaac Clarke manage to survive all the horror he's been through, i have no idea. He just wanted to find his girlfriend on a desolate mining ship, and this is where it gets good; The rig is overrun by aliens. After the first game he gets thrown into an insane asylum, and guess what? yup, you guessed it. More aliens AND insane cultists. Getting his head straight instead of giving up and go insane he keeps fighting against the most... ugh disturbing abominations I've ever seen with such relative ease and a bloody awesome futuristic armor!

3. JC Denton (Deus Ex)

What? you have no idea who it is? oh bloody hell... this might take a while... oh wait hang on, here we go:

JC Denton is a guy who can do things right on the first try, you could call him Sherlock holmes from the future...only... you know that his name is JC Denton and not sh.... oh you get the point! Thanks to nano-augmentations in him that gives him superhuman strength and perception. Is it dangerous? Good, then let him handle it as you lean back and think of what kind of tea he wants.

2. Commander Shepard (Mass Effect)

Now this is kinda tricky, because you can be female AND male Shepard. so i guess I'll add it on both of the list! Facing collectors and alike, Commander Shepard did not only save the mankind, but the entire universe from utter extermination of the reapers, making him/her a true hero in my book. The way you can decide how your character can be and your decisions have consequences,  really makes it up to be one of my favorite.

1. Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)

"Man of few words, aren't you?" The most badass Hero I can think of, opening an inter-dimensional portal  by "accident" (I'M LOOKING AT YOU G-MAN!), fending the invasion not only of aliens, but a well-armed government fools. Thanks to Valve, they've made an unique Hero and the most believable designs and story. Freeman have not spoken a single word, nor has he been truly seen. And he saves us all with a crowbar in hand.

Feeling something is amiss? Well I don't! These are the best heroes in my eyes.

Want more? well you'll get more!


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