Since it's raining and having a bad weather all over the place, I might just start "review" my new games!
I've been talking about Don't Starve, Neverwinter and XCOM: Enemy unknown, sooner or later I'll be talking about them and the pros n' cons for it!
But Today! WARFRAME!
Short summary, I have been playing Warframe for 3-4 months ago, I played it to death! but now with so many updates, with so many new maps. The Warframe Talents is also overhauled, it feels like a new game. So I wanted to give it another shot (I DO LOVE THIS GAME!)
Warframe is a Third person Shooter, that aspects into the co-op part, where more IS merrier. Although you can only have 4 people in a game, but it's way better to have 4 people than none! For every player in your game it increases the drops on mods and materials, increasing the gameplay big time when you're having fun with all the drops, from Mods to materials.
It's in Open Beta and in update 7 as we speak, which means new Warframes and finally the Optional Reset.
Which is the update I've been waiting for the most, why? because of the optional reset I can finally reset my account and get back my platinum and start all over again, getting the gear I need, not the ones I want.
I bought the Hunter founder package (50$) that gives me 1220 platinum (real money), Forum founders badge (ooh shiny!) and Excalibur Prime Warframe, which gives me more than just 1 when I start.
Let me get this straight for you guys, this is a third person shooter, with Parkour and sliding!
The Lore: Setting is far into the future and Warframe is an evolved Human Ninja with what could feel like Alien technology, but is really just damn advanced Human technology.
"They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins.
Now they are needed once more.
The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you.
Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers.
Come Tenno, you must join the war."
As the Lotus guides you, you will learn the basics of the game, how the map and skills works. She's a handy guide, but not so handy if you've reinstalled the game or resetted your account. because she will go through the tutorial with you, again!
You will start in our solar system, which is filled with Grineers and others, you need to cleanse this system, and kill everything.
The map is quite good, You can look through all 13 planets (12 since Pluto ain't a planet!)
and each planet has its own level requirement and gamemodes (all planets have different gamemodes but yeah).
Your first planet is Mercury, which will be the slowest and the most "boring" parts, mostly because it feels like the whole planet is a tutorial zone with not so dangerous mobs and lack of things to do.
So be sure to try out OTHER planets before you make up your mind. How to get to another planet? follow the line!
Mods drop randomly from mission to mission, sometimes they can even be given from alert missions with random reward.
As you can see on the picture above, These are Excalibur Prime's skills; Slash Dash, Radial Blur, Super Jump And Radial Javelin.
In the top right corner of each "card" is a Symbol, a socket if you wish.
As you can see the Slash Dash, Vitality and Radial Javelin has a teal mark in the upper right corner, but the Steel Fiber does not.
This socket will make it cost less "mod space" if socketed in the correct space.
If you find a Skill you want for your Warframe but you want to upgrade it (in this scenario the "Quick Rest" skill) you need to fuse different items together, this can be: Random skills, infusion cores or the best and cheapest way; fuse two of the same skills.
The "Quick Rest" skills gives +30% Stamina Recharge on level one, but if we upgrade it to level 2, you get +60% Stamina Recharge. I will guess that you get 30% for each upgrade, up to max level that gives total of 180% Stamina Recharge.
When left bar of the card is full, it will gain a level, which is marked with a white box next to it (on the blue frame) and will then increase it's costs to wield atleast by 1.
If you're pleased with the upgrade, just click "Apply fusion" and pay the price, (which WILL vary! so watch out for those sneaky expensive prices!)
P.S. Fusion works exactly the same on weapons too!
Free to play games have to survive, and Warframe chooses the correct way; Buy stuff with the platinum so you can get it right away rather than spending several hours/days crafting them.

It's pretty much a package of the selected Warframe with extra stuff to make it whole, Not really needed but a nice thing to do to your favorite Warframe. Including colour package!

Here's the magic! Here you can buy the Completed Warframes for Platinum or buy the blueprints for credit
This has to be the most important shop page in this game, this is where you get your Primary, secondary and Melee weapon. Either by Platinum or getting the blueprints for credits.

Too many enemies to kill but not enough Ammo? Here you can buy ammo you can use in missions. Thankfully most of the items here costs credit instead of platinum (that benefits in combat. Not really counting the colours to be any good while killing things!)
The helmets also have some stat changes
And the last one is "Get Platinum": buying platinum for real money.
There is no "pay to win", but I have to tell you about your inventory slot.
As you can see on the picture above, You start with 3 Warframe Slots and 11 weapon slots. To increase that you need to use Platinum: 20 platinum for 1 Warframe slot and 12 platinum for 2 weapon slots
The misc items is pretty much where your Blueprints, Materials, Ammo and Health will be stored.

It will take time to make them so you can just continue farming while you're crafting!
Warframes requires 4 blueprints; Helmet, Chassis, Systems and the selected Warframe blueprint.
Different planets drop different materials, So be sure to check out the Wikipedia or guide on steam to find out which one is the best way to get the materials for the items you're going to craft!
The same goes for bosses, they drop different materials AND blueprints for Warframes.
I could Write SO much more of this but that will be for later on!
It's Free to play and it's on Steam, so why not just give it a shot?
Keep on playing!
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