Each and every Mod, Weapon and Warframe have Polarities, as you can see on the picture above, it explains on how most of it works on the Warframe and Weapons. The Points will increase to a maximum of 60 (If you have a Reactor in your Warframe), And each Mod will cost Points to Apply. All of your Skills on the Warframe will ALWAYS match. Which means in this case; Sonar, Sound Quake, Silence (Not on the picture) and Sonic Boom will cost 50% less if it's in correct Socket.
Socketing mods with correct polarities can be a hassle at times, and often you find yourself needing to put it into places where it doesn't even belong, which will cost you greatly, but what is needed, is needed!

But when the Socket is in the incorrect polarity, it gets a Red colour which increases the cost for it, in this case it increases the cost for "Redirection" Mod by 25%. so watch out for that when you're choosing skills for your Warframe.
Before we go into Fusion I must say that Modding your Warframe and Weapons are exactly the same, every weapon have at least 1 polarity, but after Update 8 in Warframe, you can Polarize (upgrade) your Weapons and Warframe, which means you can add an additional Polarity to the weapon, and thus reducing the skill cost for certain mods (THIS WILL RESET THE RANK/LEVEL ON THE WARFRAME/WEAPON!). So choose wisely!
At first, Fusion can look complicated and messy. But this is why I'm digging into this to let others understand it more easily and learn how to "efficiently" upgrade the mods.As you can see on the picture above, i have a lot of "Duplicates", Marathon, Piercing hit, Freeze etc. At first they just look like they're just clogging up your inventory, but you have several things you can do with them.
- Upgrading one mod by using Duplicates (I.E. Using the same mod to upgrade.) this is really cheap and efficient up to level 2-3 of the card, later on you will get mods which is called "Fusion Cores". Watch out, they are expensive to use!
- Upgrading the Mods by using the "Fusion Cores", It might be hell of a ride to the top, but it's sure expensive!
- Sell the duplicates, you get 200-1000 credits per mod (depending on the rarity)

The polarity works just like a gem in the correct socket; bonus!
By that i mean if you socket it in the correct Polarity, it will Reduce the cost by 50%! which is in this case it will make the Trick Mag cost down to 1 instead of 2, and trust me, you WANT to socket it later on, when you get mods that requires 12 points.
Getting the ammo and magazine maximum mods is a must on weapons, without ammo, how the hell are you going to shoot and level up your weapons?!
Last but not least, let me just tell you where to get mods the "best way" in my opinion; Defense Mission. Do them with randoms, do them with friends but for the love of god. DON'T solo it. It's hard and not that rewarding since mods and Materials drops more often with players AND the higher level the Wave is.
...and it gets harder for each wave.
Keep on gaming!
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