This time I'll be talking about a game called The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot (or TMQFEL in short, try saying that 3 times in a row!) which is in closed beta and under development by Ubisoft.
So it's time to grab your Sword/crossbow/staff and get looting!
This had to come, I just knew it. MOBA is a popular genre in the gaming world and League of Legends is the most popular so far. I will not make this post about "how to play Blitzcrank like a pro" or something like that, but I will rather just... Tell you about this game and its... ugh... community.
Holy crap it's been a while since I've written anything on this blog, once again it's that sun and the beautiful weather we get here in the cold north on the planet Earth. So I haven't really gotten the time to sit down and try out new games and write about them.
Nevertheless! I finally got myself some time to sit down and actually try out a game I've been paying attention to (but also went under my radar for a while), it's called Cube World.
(And of course because of a friend who told me to get it, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!)