Saturday, July 20, 2013

League of Legends

This had to come, I just knew it. MOBA is a popular genre in the gaming world and League of Legends is the most popular so far. I will not make this post about "how to play Blitzcrank like a pro" or something like that, but I will rather just... Tell you about this game and its... ugh... community.


Well then! League of Legends or LoL for short is a MOBA game made by RIOT GAMES.
Founded in 2006 by gamers Brandon "Ryze" Beck, and Marc "Tryndamere" Merril with the goal of being a player-focused game development studio. The company launched its debut title League of Legends in October 2009. On May 1, 2012, Riot Games announced its Season 2 Championship with a $2,000,000 prize pool.

Some of their notable employees include Steve "Guinsoo" Feak, a former developer of the Warcraft 3 custom map Defense of the Ancients (Dota in short) and Steve "Pendragon" Mescon, creator of the Defense of the Ancient fan site, Riot Games also employs about a dozen former Blizzard developers, including tom Cadwell.

Game Modes:

You have 3 different game modes:

Classic: This is the classic League of Legends Gamemode, you work with your allies (5v5 or 3v3) to siege the enemy base and destroy their Nexus. Average game length is 30-45 minutes. And this is the Ranked matches too. You can choose from Blind pick or Draft pick on Normal type.

Dominion: Seize capture points and declare dominion over your enemies, average Game length is 15-25 minutes. Some champions and items have been tuned for this map.

ARAM: Fight as a team of random champions to destroy the enemy Nexus, this is all in one lane. Average game length is 20-30 minutes.


A release they've published in November 2012, Riot Games claimed that LoL had accumulated 32.5 Million players, which is a high number for a game, even for a Free to play! apparently 11.5 million plays monthly and 4.2 millions play daily.

In  March 2012, League of Legends became the #1 title in Korean PC Cafes. In Taiwan, it's estimated that almost 5 percent of their entire population played the game, with almost 1 million players subscribed to the server.

Dedicated players and Riot Games staff often meet at tournaments and all Riot staff are encouraged to post in the League of Legends forums, a policy that helps company employees maintain strong connections with the community. At tournaments, panels are held by the staff and memorabilia is handed to reward the company's most loyal fans for their support.

You can find a lot of people streaming this game on, and other streaming sites as well. This gives an amount of different skilled players which can motivate or inspire others to learn from their mistakes and when they are doing good.

But then again.... League of Legends community is mostly filled with "utter shits" that is either Verbally abusing, Offensive language, intentionally feeding, trolling or just Ragequits. The problem is the way it's free to play and the community, it's too big and it's easy to just make a new account if you feel like being in the "trolling" mood. The average age on LoL I would say is around 17-18, but then again I'm not sure at all. Mostly I would say it's down to 14-15 because of the... yes, bad grammar and "your mom" insults. 

Gaming experience

I'll be damn honest, don't play this game alone. Sure you can play a match or two but in the end you will just get frustrated over how your team-mates dive into towers or the enemy team and blames you for it. Even when he's the stupid one who really just... think he can take the whole team.

Playing with friends is much more fun, you communicate with them, planning how to counter a certain champion and ganking. Even if you want to play just for fun, it's easier with friends. 


You have a bunch of different champions, so there must be at least one that fits your wish. 
From: assassin, carry, fighter, jungler, mage, melee, pusher, ranged, stealth, support and tank. they all act differently.

Like me, I like to play Support most of the time, but can also go Mid. 

So my favorite champs so far is: 


Mostly because he is a great support that can save lives with his lantern, but he also works as an ADC (attack damage Carry) with his passive buff. 

He is a fun champion to play when you want to go support or ADC. Grabbing those souls gives Thresh Armor and AP (Ability Power) which makes him a "tanky support/Adc" and the skin for him is just awesome!


Veigar makes AP (Ability power) champions tremble, he might be tiny but his fury is bigger than anyone. 
And The "Superb villain Veigar" is just too awesome to let it slip by.

His Baleful strike is the best spell he can have, if a unit is killed with the spell, he gains AP permanently, which is Veigar's main Stat. You can easily get up to 700-1000 AP in a long match.

Veigars ulti (Primordial Burst) is what makes everyone who goes AP fear him. Because that spell will do a large base amount of magic damage plus 80% of the target's AP.


Blitzcrank is a Melee initiator which means that he is the one who is starting a fight by grabbing the enemy champion with his Rocket Grab and knocks them up with a different spell for a brief time.

Blitzcrank can pull people through wall which can be gamechanging often and his ulti got a silence and it's just 30 second cooldown. which makes him a defender or a pusher on minions later in the game.

I wont go deeper into this game other than it's an MOBA, tournament game with a grand prize! So if you really like this game and want to perfect yourself into it, get your summoner (account) to level 30 and get in ranked! which is mostly where the fun begins and you'll see how competitive you are!

This is Free to play and the only thing you can buy for cash is skins and champions (but you can buy champions for IP, which you earn by doing matches.)

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