All right, here we go. A post about my character and why I play that certain class and everything else.
Hopefully you've read my Introduction to Guild Wars 2, Leveling through "Questing" and Events and Leveling through crafting and maybe caught an eye on the norn characters in one of the pictures, well that's me and a friend.
The Past: first Character
When Guild Wars 2 started I made a human female Mesmer, I fell in love with the class in the beta and I was leveling with friends and had a good time, until my first Dungeon run.
It was horrible and it was a slaughter, the combat mechanic was so different from any game I tried so I felt like a total noob running around there. Thankfully we had some patient random players with us that explained boss fights, traps and certain mobs (NPC enemies if you didn't already know that). Sooner or later I got the hang of handling my class and it was even more fun!
Later on I started studying on how Mesmer actually works; What's the best stat, how should I use my skills and when to use them. Sooner or later it all fell into my fingertips but I still feel that the class was a glass cannon, too fragile but massive on damage.
After a while I started to get bored with my Mesmer and started leveling up a Thief, Guardian, Ranger and an Elementalist. Thief, Guardian and Ranger is now lvl 80 and I'm leveling my Elementalist but I still didn't find the "right" class for me. Once again I made a new character, watched every class closely and wondered what would fit me since I'm mostly a supportive/assisting/tanking/healing kind.
This game don't have the "specific" roles to the classes, by that I mean we don't have the typical "priest healer" or "Warrior Tank" type. In Guild Wars 2 even a warrior can be a healer and Engineer can be the "tanky" type. it's all about how you gear up and spend your traits.
Then one day, I made a new character with a friend and I figured I wanted to try out the Warrior class, in my eyes they seemed too simple, "wield some weapons and just mash your face on the keyboard = Win" But i was wrong, so horribly wrong it's not even funny. I had a blast running around with dual axes and my greatsword, butchering through any enemy in my path. For each level I gained, I felt new doors opened up for my Warrior and I had some challenges with certain events or Story Line, but I learned from my mistakes and improved my tactics.
And finally, my Warrior reached level 80, I could now finally craft and equip the armor with the orange text, Exotic. I started grabbing all my mats and craftet Helmet, shoulders, chest piece, gloves, legging and boots. Finally, my Warrior was prepared for the Ruins of Orr, no enemy should stop me from gaining better loot or karma!
....or so I Though. The first thing that happens to me in Cursed shore is that I get so horrible crushed by the horde of undead roaming the place while I'm just trying to make a living. They just send me to the grave, over and over again, I got frustrated and called for backup, I gather my friends and started to head from North of Cursed shore to the south.
We had a good time, but we felt that something was wrong, we couldn't quite do enough damage to finish of the undead fast enough or nuke the target when it was needed.
Then I figured that the problem was me. Truth be told, after all those hours playing warrior and I thought I had the hang of it, I didn't. I might have used some of the right skills and utility skills, but i still missed on how certain skills worked and how it affected to the party.
So I started to research, reading and watching how others play their Warrior and get some information on how to improve myself.
Thanks to Dontain, A commentator(?) who plays Warrior with a Legendary (thanks to fans and friends) two-handed Sword "Twilight". He have so many videos about what type of build you want to go with your warrior and gear, the looks on certain weapons and gear, how to get the items and he even have videos on his progress with the Legendary. He has done so much for the subscribers with the videos about tips n' tricks, not only with the warrior class, but with the game itself! Do check him out!
The present: My Warrior
After all the research I've done I have now finally found my build and gear. The Dungeons goes smooth and fast, I'm still a glass cannon but not as one of my friends put it: "papercannon soaked in gasoline", hehe, I must say that made me giggle the first time I heard it.
So then! Now that I've found my Gear, traits and playstyle I started to wonder:
"what should I do now?"
I started spending gold on random things that I wanted but didn't need, sooner or later that wallet got empty. Even how many dungeons I did, the mats and gold always got spend one way or another. suddenly a friend of mine got awesome look on the character, and I got informed on the "Cultural Armors and Weapons" which is a look for the certain race.
I had a goal to get all the tiers of the cultural armor and merge them into different stats, so they weren't only for looks. After a day I had Tier 1, and Tier 2 came close by in a week or two. but then it was the most expensive one, the grand price! Tier 3.
Let's sum it up on the costs for all cultural armors:
Tier 1 = 2 Gold 88 Silver
Tier 2 = 7 Gold 10 Silver
Tier 3 = 119 Gold
Total = 128 Gold 98 Silver
And you have to add the exotics i've made to make them useful in combat.
Let me show you how they look:
DOLYAK (TIER 1 Norn) |
To be honest, i got this gear already around level 50 and was running around looking awesome! This is my first cultural I transmuted into Berserker gear and spent a lot of time in it. Now it's my Magic Find armor, it's still Berserker stats but with Superior rune of the pirate in it.
EAGLE (TIER 2 Norn) |
This is an armor I'm not that pleased with, sure it looks awesome and cool, but it lacks the "warrior" feeling to it. The armor it self looks more for a class like the guardian or something "holy" if you want. I've made this my "Tanky" armor, when i need more thoughness and health.
STAG (Tier 3 Norn) |
Now this is my pride and honor! The Stag armor is the most expensive one since it's the top tier of the cultural armor but it looks so AWESOME! sure the colours might not match that great since i'm in the phase of finding the right "theme" if you want. It's matching my Greatsword and it's not too dark, or too orange.
It felt horribly satisfying to finally have all the Cultural Tiers on my Warrior, now i could take a break on the farming and grinding for the certain Items I wanted.
Once again, So I thought!
Now that I've gotten everything I wanted, I started searching for something else to get my hands on. I started a Collection of Axes, which will be completed sooner or later, but I wanted a challenge, something that takes time to do.
ah yes.... I want a legendary to complete it all, you probably think I'll go for Twilight or Sunrise.
You're wrong, I'm aiming for this beauty!
Frosfang (Wikipedia picture!)
The deal about this axe is it's a frozen weapon with awesome graphical looks:
- The arm holding Frostfang is covered in ice.
- The user leaves icy footsteps.
- The "mouth" of the axe opens and closes and emits an icy breath.
- Some skills differ slightly, such as Life Blast (Necromancer skill) which has an icy effect.
So this ends this post about my goals in GW2, I will write more about my progress, and the ups and downs with the farming for it.