It's not the typical "talk to this guy and grab that book over there and give it to me!", No sir.
It's not even called Questing in the game either, it's called Assists.
Assist are the heart shaped icon on this map. The "empty" ones mean they are not completed while the "full" ones mean they are completed, and you can talk to the NPC who needed the assist to buy equipment, tools, ingredients (for chef profession) and items for a currency called KARMA.

Here you can see the description about the assist in Queensdale. As you can see Farmer Eda needs help with driving the bats and spiders from the orchard, that's simple.
But this is the starter Zone for humans and you need to get used to the game mechanics and what weapon is best for your play style.
Every assist have their own area for where they need the help, some areas are big, some are just small and few mobs to kill and it will take some time to get it done. The Assists may be from gathering items, fixing buildings/items to killing certain enemies.

The orange circle on the map show you where there is an Event, and where the battle or gathering takes place, this is a great way to gain xp, karma, gold, completing an assist or to get items. So if there is an event where you're doing your assist, go for it, you'll hit 2 birds with 1 stone.

As you can see the event description tells us that Farmhand Paris needs help collecting Apples for Eda's famous pies, so this is a great way to assist Farmer Eda (as shown above) and to finish of an event. which means you'll gain Xp, karma and money from the event and the assist.
Sooner or later you've figured where the best places to "farm" the events for the certain drops of an item or amount of items as well as the time it takes for the event to reset.
We'll go deeper into that later.
Karma merchants are all over Tyria, they are the ones who reward you from assisting them in the tasks at hand or just selling you items because they can.
What is karma?
Karma is one of the currency in Guild Wars 2, you get them by doing Events or Assists, you can trade the Karma in for Soulbound on aquire or account bound items or recipes, like the "Measuring Spoon" which is an Accessory you can put on when you're lvl 4.
"Apples in Bulk" in other hand is a Chef ingredient which is Account bound, you cannot buy those for karma and then sell it on the Trading Post (Auction House for players), same goes for all karma items.
As you can see it's rather cheap at the start for items or Ingredients, but this will go up as you get higher level, as in Cursed Shore (lvl 80 Zone) you can get gear for 43000 Karma per piece. it's not that much karma if you've spend it wisely and done a lot of events, but we'll get back to that later where it's good to farm for karma.
So this ends today's Information on how to level in Guild Wars 2, there are more ways I will explain with detail later on. Thanks for reading and if you like what you read, press that +1 And Share this on Google+, Facebook and Twitter!
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