Crafting is a great way to level up your character from 1-80, bear in mind you need to level all crafting profession to 400 for this to work. It's also a nice way to earn money by making the items and selling them on the trading post, but you need to look at the price for making it and the price for selling the final product.
There is 8 Crafting professions, and here's the list:
Armorsmith - Makes heavy armor for the Warrior and Guardian class. from boots to helmets.
Leatherworker - Makes Medium armor, Recommended for Thief, Engineers and Rangers.
Tailor - Makes Light armor for Mesmer, Elementalist and Necromancer.
Jeweler - Makes Jewels (duh!) and gems, you'll be making earrings, rings and amulets.
Weaponsmith - This profession you'll be making Two-handed swords and hammers, one-handed swords, axes, maces, spears and shields.
Artificer - Makes Staffs, Scepters, Focus, Tridents and potions
Huntsman - Makes bows, rifles, pistols, war horn and torches
Chef - Makes Food with boons (buffs), from magic find to power and crit. you can even have tray of food for a certain meal/dessert/snack.
Choosing the correct crafting profession could be a headache at times since your class needs weapons but also needs the armor, or even the Jewels. If it's your first character I would recommend you to stick with at least 1 profession and max it out so you can make gear for yourself and others for a fee, or just sell it on the TP (Trading post)
If you are one of those patient ones who can actually Farm for a Legendary, i would recommend you to do some research on the Legendary you want and how to get it, because every Legendary needs a certain Crafting profession to make the unique item needed to merge it with the rest of the materials needed.
For an example:
If you have 120 in Weaponsmithing, try to make items as close to the level, preferably 100 and closer.
How to craft a weapon or something may sound "simple", but it's more of a chain of items needed. The Chef profession is the perfect example of it, but I wont use that of an example, instead, I'll use Weaponsmithing for now.
If you want to make the "Berserker's Pearl Broadsword (Exotic)" you'll need the "Berserker's Orichalcum Imbued Insciption (Exotic) which then again needs 5 "Orichalcum Plated Dowel (Master)"
So it goes as followed:
You need 5 of these -------> To make 1 of these ----> Which then makes the final product
If you want to make the "Berserker's Pearl Broadsword (Exotic)" you'll need the "Berserker's Orichalcum Imbued Insciption (Exotic) which then again needs 5 "Orichalcum Plated Dowel (Master)"
So it goes as followed:
You need 5 of these -------> To make 1 of these ----> Which then makes the final product
So this pretty much covers the crafting part of Guild Wars 2, next time i might talk more about the WvW part and how it benefits your world(server). If you like what you read, feel free to toss it around on the Internet! Share it away!
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