Thursday, April 11, 2013

Gamer Girls

Aah yes, I knew this one was coming, yes, yes I did. whatever you say is wrong! 

Gamer girls is a rare specie found in the occasional events of Gaming or where the companies introduce new games. Or even on events where you dress up as your favorite protagonist or antagonist or just a.... plant.

But what is a Gamer girl?

Is it:
A) A damn hot babe with Double D's, Brown hair and Green eyes, tight body and moaning gently in the microphone while she tries to explain where to go or how this game works? That made me giggle, seriously!

B) A normal looking type which is well hidden in the Society? which means they are so good at hiding, they don't even flinch when they hear other gamers talk about games?

C) A really unattractive fat girl with a lot of acne's and uncombed hair, freckles and no soul? You can spot them miles away from their odor and looks.

I'll tell you the answer..... later on!

Lately the Gaming industries have blossomed from being for the nerdy ones who could handle a PC back in the days, to any idiot can just sit down, press play and button mash their way to glory. But when did the girls get into gaming?

Since the dawn of videogame time of course! They were just smarter to hide away from the crowd since they're already itemized enough, they didn't want another thing to make them  trophied or achievement points. Don't believe me? fine, just be like that and keep on playing whatever you did before you checked yourself in here, maybe you did Ragequit from a LoL, BF3, CoD game? or simply need to read before you start playing?

Anyways, girl Gamers are indeed hot, but not always because of their looks (WHAT?!). surprisingly enough, i feel the more a girl is interested in what i do, the more interesting they are.
You could say the same about anything really; Football, Cars, Tennis, Cheerleading (DUH), Singers, Artists, etc. 

But why are Gamer Girls so popular now? 
Let's see; Games = Teenagers, Teenagers = Hormones, Hormones = ...yes you know what...
But let's not blame it all on Teenagers, instead blame it on the leeches that want attention and who really needs to actually say that they're "Gaming Chick/girl/woman/teenagergirl92" or whatnot, I mean do we really need to go so far to actually make a big fuzz about Girls play games? We're in 2013 for crying out loud!

Is it because of the breasts? The figure of a woman? The part where the woman apparently should be in the kitchen? sigh... the questions would go on and clog this post and you would never be able to get to my answer.
I'd say that most of the reason why people think "omg a girl playing video games = hot" is mostly because they have the fantasy of a frisky golden retriever.

Being a gamer takes alot of time in your life, just as any "hobby". The difference is, you can do it anywhere, anytime and with anyone. A lot of people even got a job by Reviewing/ Developing/Designing/Playing Games. Which must be a blast! 
WRONG. Most of the people who do so actually feel it's a chord and don't get the same enjoyment when they are actually just playing games to relax. I do get them though, If I ever got a "job" as reviewing games, I would just see the flaws and good things and never just sit there and "enjoy it".

Sigh... Wobbling off again.
Gamer Girls are pretty much every girl who play "hardcore", at least 4-6 hours a day (after school/work or alot more if unemployed) and takes passion in the gaming world.


The traits are pretty much common sense, just like in any hobby:

Knowledge of the game(s)

Using a lot of "game language" even in the daily use (i.e. I was walking in TB the other day and i saw that a mage wanted 5G for TP to UC and when I asked if we could take 3G and some HC runs with my Gmate he just lol'd and /ignored me)

Have 1 or more franchise from game(s)

and of course:

Knowledge of equipment (which is good and bad in certain games for an example)

OH and chewing on a wired controller with glasses on, dosen't make you a Gamer girl.
Saying CoD is so awesome with the guns and saying random perks, dosen't make you a Gamer girl.
Wearing/using "Popular" equipment like; Razer, Alienware, Logitech etc. Dosen't make you a Gamer girl.

Oh and to you guys out there who will defend these "false" Gamer girls, stop trying to be white knight, you wont get laid by them any time soon anyways. So do us all a favor and actually troll instead, you'd give us a better laugh.

And to the "pure" Gamer girls: RIDE ON! Keep on playing and get that /ignore /block command ready, because a shitstorm of people will try to add/whisper/talk/stalk you when they hear your voice or get the knowledge you're a woman. 

The answer on the question earlier is: all of them... I mean c'mon, they are even coloured, manly, girly, nothingly.... They come in all sorts of flavour!  So let's just hope we all behave as well!

Keep on playing!

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