Sound is really important to any aspect of the creative world, from music to games.
Let's give an example on good voice actors in games (since this is a blog about games, DUH!)
Long story short of Destiny's Edge:
Destiny's Edge resulted from the merge of two smaller groups, Edge of Steel (Rytlock, Logan and Caithe) and Dragonspawn's Destiny (Eir, Garm, Snaff and Zojja. The group came together in 1319 AE due to Eir's desire to find a group of warriors to defeat the Dragonspawn.
(trying not to spoil anything in the story of them is kinda hard!)
Guild wars 2
Let's make sure you can see this video as you read further down: Guild Wars 2, Giving Tyria a Voice
Original Destiny's Edge members: Caithe, Eir Stegalkin and Garm, Logan thackeray, Rytlock Brimstone, Snaff, Zojja.
One of the 12 firstborne Sylvari to emerge from the Pale Tree, Born in 1302 AE. Although they are the closest thing to rulers that exists within the Sylvari race, respect for them comes solely from their wisdom and time spend in the world.
Caithe is unusual in that while most Sylvari are creatures of light, she has never feared "gazing into the darkness" to seek "truths that others fear." it is also said she is the one of only two individuals to have seen Zhaitan (The elder Dragon of Orr) and lived - other being Trahearne.
Caithe is unusual in that while most Sylvari are creatures of light, she has never feared "gazing into the darkness" to seek "truths that others fear." it is also said she is the one of only two individuals to have seen Zhaitan (The elder Dragon of Orr) and lived - other being Trahearne.
Kari Wahlgren
Caithe is voiced by Kari Wahlgren Mostly known for her multi voice talents of mature young women, girls, teenaged girls and various female characters including medieval time ones in animes and video games.
A fitting Voice actress for Caithe if i could say so myself, she enchants the ones listening and tells you her race is young but rich on wisdom.
Caithe is voiced by Kari Wahlgren Mostly known for her multi voice talents of mature young women, girls, teenaged girls and various female characters including medieval time ones in animes and video games.
A fitting Voice actress for Caithe if i could say so myself, she enchants the ones listening and tells you her race is young but rich on wisdom.
She is a wandering Norn ranger, tactician, artist, and visionary who travels the wolf companion, Garm.
Eir was once the leader of Destiny's Edge and is well kown and respected because of this. However, the breaking of the company and her lack of heroic deeds since then have garnered negative opinions from some of her people.
Eir was once the leader of Destiny's Edge and is well kown and respected because of this. However, the breaking of the company and her lack of heroic deeds since then have garnered negative opinions from some of her people.
Her tactics rely on understanding the mind of her enemy and taking advantage of their weakness through provocation and encouragement. Alos a renowed sculptor of wood and stone, cummuning with the spirit of the wild ot guide and shape her artistry.
Eir Stegalkin is voiced by Jocelyn Blue (sorry, that's all i could find about the voice actress!). Her voice and the way she speaks makes it sound just like she's a wanderer, more used to animals than human(oids). She fits well for the voice of a norn, good accent and persuasive personality to go with.
Captain Logan Thackeray is a human guardian and the commanding officer of the Seraph at Divinity's Reahc. He was also once a member of the famous adventuring group know as Destiny's Edge.
Logan is torn by his dark past and the great pain he feels in his heart, yet still manages to be more of a hero than he ever thought possible. He is Descended from the Ascalonian heroes Gwen and Keiran Thackeray.
Troy Baker
Logan Thackeray is voiced by Troy Baker. Some or very few of you might know him from the band "Tripp Fontaine" and other projects, Mass effect 3 (Kai Leng (voice) / Multiplayer Announcer (Voice) ). To be honest, Troy and Logan is actually look-alikes, so he fits well into the character. He's a human, acts like a human, and "heroic" as a human for all the "odd reasons" if you ask me.
Logan is torn by his dark past and the great pain he feels in his heart, yet still manages to be more of a hero than he ever thought possible. He is Descended from the Ascalonian heroes Gwen and Keiran Thackeray.
Troy Baker
Logan Thackeray is voiced by Troy Baker. Some or very few of you might know him from the band "Tripp Fontaine" and other projects, Mass effect 3 (Kai Leng (voice) / Multiplayer Announcer (Voice) ). To be honest, Troy and Logan is actually look-alikes, so he fits well into the character. He's a human, acts like a human, and "heroic" as a human for all the "odd reasons" if you ask me.
Rytlock Brimstone
A tribune of the Blood Legion and one of the most prominent charr of the Black Citadel. He is feared by many among the charr due to his status and that he gained it by killing his superiors and taking their titles. He wields Sohothin, the sword previously owned by Prince Rurik.
Rytlock is regarded as "strange" by many other charr as he had voluntarily distanced himself from his warband in separated assignments for unknown reasons. This causes some charr to continue to disregard him even after his various promotion and high standing in Destiny's Edge.
Steve Blum
Rytlock Brimstone is voiced by Steve Blum (holy crap, the most epic voice ever!), He is in so many TV Series, movies and Video games, I cant even mention one because it would be unfair to the others! He is THE voice of Rytlock and THE voice of giant scary death machines/creatures of evilness! HE HAS AN EVIL VOICE, BUT SO AWESOME!
A highly respected Asuran elementalist, golemancer and a member of College of Synergetics. She was an extremely skilled apprentice of the famed inventor Snaff, both former members of Destiny's Edge; each (privately) regarded the other as being a Genius.
After Destiny's Edge broke apart, Zojja began to blame Eir for the group's failure and began to venerate Snaff, establishing the Snaff Prize - a competition to present the best projects before the Arcan Council - and protect Snaff's research. She took Snaff's old lab as her own, burying his cremated remains in the floor. She often has a short temper, especially when snaff is mentioned. Her personal golem is Mr. Sparkles.
Felicia Day
Zojja is voiced by Felicia Day She is an excellent violin player, Co-owner with Kim Evey of production company, "Knights of Good Productions", which own shows like "The Guild". She really has the charm to be a short tempered "smarty pants" (no offence!) who actually knows it all and have good self esteem.
All right! These are the "Voices of Tyria". Thanks to them this game has a one of a kind charm and makes the Story-line so interesting, the lore itself is good too, but if you want to read it all it's a huge wall of text at times.
I might keep on going with the "Voice acting, the Importance of telling a story" with other games, maybe even those who really are horrible.
A tribune of the Blood Legion and one of the most prominent charr of the Black Citadel. He is feared by many among the charr due to his status and that he gained it by killing his superiors and taking their titles. He wields Sohothin, the sword previously owned by Prince Rurik.
Rytlock is regarded as "strange" by many other charr as he had voluntarily distanced himself from his warband in separated assignments for unknown reasons. This causes some charr to continue to disregard him even after his various promotion and high standing in Destiny's Edge.
Steve Blum
Rytlock Brimstone is voiced by Steve Blum (holy crap, the most epic voice ever!), He is in so many TV Series, movies and Video games, I cant even mention one because it would be unfair to the others! He is THE voice of Rytlock and THE voice of giant scary death machines/creatures of evilness! HE HAS AN EVIL VOICE, BUT SO AWESOME!
A highly respected Asuran elementalist, golemancer and a member of College of Synergetics. She was an extremely skilled apprentice of the famed inventor Snaff, both former members of Destiny's Edge; each (privately) regarded the other as being a Genius.
After Destiny's Edge broke apart, Zojja began to blame Eir for the group's failure and began to venerate Snaff, establishing the Snaff Prize - a competition to present the best projects before the Arcan Council - and protect Snaff's research. She took Snaff's old lab as her own, burying his cremated remains in the floor. She often has a short temper, especially when snaff is mentioned. Her personal golem is Mr. Sparkles.

Zojja is voiced by Felicia Day She is an excellent violin player, Co-owner with Kim Evey of production company, "Knights of Good Productions", which own shows like "The Guild". She really has the charm to be a short tempered "smarty pants" (no offence!) who actually knows it all and have good self esteem.
All right! These are the "Voices of Tyria". Thanks to them this game has a one of a kind charm and makes the Story-line so interesting, the lore itself is good too, but if you want to read it all it's a huge wall of text at times.
I might keep on going with the "Voice acting, the Importance of telling a story" with other games, maybe even those who really are horrible.
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