I started listening to "my own music" when Quake 3 arena was around. erm...mostly because I just had a Metallica CD and a CD player next to it. After a while when computers and OS started to handle things better, I had MP3's on my computer and listened to it through Winamp (god bless that program, one of the best at it time, maybe it still is.)
But now, we all have good enough computers and Internet to listen to music and play/work at the same time, if it's Spotify, Youtube, WIMP or soundcloud doesn't really matter, as long as we can get out sweet sweet music in our life.
Music while playing FPS
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besides, who cares when you got a tank? |
Music while we do stuff is quite common (we all know that), most of you are probably listening to music while you're reading this. But having music in our ears while we play an FPS must be a down site right, we cant hear the footsteps?!
Yes and no, but there are times were you just want to have a good time while listening to music, but the Footstep sound on BF3 is nothing much to brag about compared to CS and CoD.
In other words, when you're playing BF3, you don't have a downside while listening to music, unless... you really are killing the sound in the game you're playing with music. So of course you do try to balance it.
Music while playing MMO
A grind can feel so boring and one sided, we've all been there, trying to get that awesome looking shoulder or the precursor to a legendary. But with music/movie/show it's more fun. Having no music makes it just a dull thing to do while we're just killing the same mob over and over and.... over again.
Not only that, but the dungeons suddenly seems more fun to do with music, especially when it's a band you love!
Music while playing Racing
Most of the racing games have their own "radio Stations" with good music on, For an example; Burnout: Paradise city has a bunch of good songs, from Rock to "wub wub" (which I like to call it, no mocking at all, seriously!)
Most of them fits well into the world of racing, gives you the "motivation" to do good! and gives you a "good feeling" aswell.
I love the songs in Burnout: Paradise City, so i usually Turn the sound halfway down and cranking the music to the max!
Music while playing RTS
Dont get me wrong, i love the music on SC2 and WC3 but after a while the music can be a bit repetetive so why not listen to some music that is not themed to the game?
Again I would like to say that having to listen to music while playing can "enhance preformance" because you love the music you're listening to, maybe it even makes you wanna go the extra mile?
I'm not a big RTS fan though, and for me most of the RTS is pretty much the same over and over again. NO! don't even try to argue with me, you got your opinion, I got mine and we lived happily ever after since we accept it!
My opinion
Bored of doing the same things over and over again to get Gold/credit? Boring
Having a hard time in a game because you have bad luck or it's too hard? Annoying
Having a blast in a game while listening to music you love? Priceless.
Music makes the gaming so much more fun than it is at times, flying in Battlefield, Grinding in GW2, playing alone in a multiplayer game etc.
So what do you think? Is the music a need for the enjoyment, or is it just a bonus while you're playing the games you love?
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