Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Voice Acting, the Importance of telling a story. Today: Guild Wars 2

We all have that one guy/woman who is really enchanting us to live into the show, Movie and/or game, to make it so real it is possible, to feel we're just there. The feeling about how they tell the story, the voice they have for that certain character. It is all so enchanting to think that certain people can be like that it's... awesome! purely awesome!

Sound is really important to any aspect of the creative world, from music to games.
Let's give an example on good voice actors in games (since this is a blog about games, DUH!)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Listening to music while playing.

Now then, after we've all cooled off by the heat of the gamer girls post, let us start talking about our preferences when we're playing multiplayer or maybe even singleplayer. In game music or "our" own music?

I started listening to "my own music" when Quake 3 arena was around. erm...mostly because I just had a Metallica CD and a CD player next to it. After a while when computers and OS started to handle things better, I had MP3's on my computer and listened to it through Winamp (god bless that program, one of the best at it time, maybe it still is.) 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Gamer Girls

Aah yes, I knew this one was coming, yes, yes I did. whatever you say is wrong! 

Gamer girls is a rare specie found in the occasional events of Gaming or where the companies introduce new games. Or even on events where you dress up as your favorite protagonist or antagonist or just a.... plant.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Lately I've been wondering: "Do we get too excited when it comes to new games? or do we have too much expectations from them?"
I mean, just look at Sim City, Far Cry 3, Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Planetside 2 etc. I feel it was too much hype around it compared to how it actually is. I'm not saying "don't get your hopes up" but when you see all those in game trailers and how it's looking awesomely and everything, I've burned myself so many times on it.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Guild Wars 2: Super Adventure Box!

Holy mother of.... It's actually true! it's not an April fool prank!
If you read my "Easter! Guild Wars 2 News!" and the April fools' day, I've been talking shortly about the info I had on it. Well, Now I've tried it myself and here it is!