Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Battlefield 4 - Part 1 - The Multiplayer/Battlelog
SO I'm a bit late out about Battlefield 4 and stuff, but I have been playing it! ...alot... HELL! ALL THE TIME!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Lost out in the real world.
Hello, hello, hello! It's been a while since I've written anything at all on this blog. Come to think about it, its atleast 2 months and I'm terribly sorry for it! (I am! Honest!)
The reason is simple; I got a job in a city, which means I had to pack up ALL my things -though it wasn't a lot- and get myself sorted into the working life in a city. Long story short; I feel I made a "bad" decision to down prioritize this blog. Especially since dreamhack and other events have been around the past months. And the releases of new gen consoles. (wow! I have really missed out haven't I?)
I have no trouble at all to jump back on that damn saddle and keep on writing! Now that there is new games up and running, I have more than enough resources to gather up something interesting for you all.
...if you forgive me for my laziness that is... well not lazy...waaait, yeah lazy. Doing Hard work and doing things that makes your whole head disliking the job you do, sure makes you exhausted at the end of the day. What I'm trying to say, every fibre in my body said this was "wrong".
So you can look forward to:
-Battlefield 4
- wolf among us
- maaaybe some Guild wars 2 info
- general gaming info
My sincerely apologies
- V
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Terraria, The Last update!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
NEWS: Dark Souls II Release date
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Top 10: Female Heroines!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Top 10: Male Heroes!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Monthly rant: Video games makes us violent.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Weekend fun: Tablet, Ipad and phone games.
So Grab your phone/tablet/Ipad/whatever and get ready to check out games you "need" on a rainy day, or when you're bored!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
News: The end of the Microsoft-points era
Yup, you heard me. Don't fret though! Because they will be converting your Microsoft-points into cash! Well... not like your XBox will turn into an armed bandit tossing coins at you, but you get the point.
2 days ago, Microsoft announced that they will be removing the Microsoft-points, they are changing their currency from Microsoft-points to your currency. This process will take a while and will not be released worldwide in one go.
What happens to your points? Thankfully Microsoft announced that they will be converting it into your currency. They also said that the Microsoft-points reedem codes will still work, but redeeming money instead, they also said that there will be no expiration date on them aswell.
So this means you can still buy games with "points", but now they will be called: "money" like in the real world. Neat!
I'm on a bus!
Monday, August 26, 2013
NEWS: Tom Clancy's - The Division
But even better news:
Tom Clancy's - The Division is coming to PC, they have been paying attention to their "fans" and others alike.
Friday, August 23, 2013
NEWS: DayZ standalone - no longer a release window.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Newsflash! This just in: Diablo III - Reaper of Souls
Blizzard started already the first official day of Gamescom to announce an expansion pack for Diablo 3.
And the name of the expansion pack: Reaper of Souls
Introducing a new playable class: The Crusader
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
PayDay 2
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot
Saturday, July 20, 2013
League of Legends
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Indiegame: Cube World!
Nevertheless! I finally got myself some time to sit down and actually try out a game I've been paying attention to (but also went under my radar for a while), it's called Cube World.
(And of course because of a friend who told me to get it, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!)
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Monthly Rant: Behavior in Games
You have alot of different bastards; Hackers, giefers, forum trolls, douches, idiots who just want to have right no fucking what, ones who want the last word etc. the list goes on...
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Going Deeper: Warframe
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Today's Free To Play: Warframe!
Since it's raining and having a bad weather all over the place, I might just start "review" my new games!
I've been talking about Don't Starve, Neverwinter and XCOM: Enemy unknown, sooner or later I'll be talking about them and the pros n' cons for it!
But Today! WARFRAME!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
A small break
I will try to write about them and my first impression of them as i go by, and maybe you'll get lucky with some in-game Screenshots! so we dont get any Bullshots (sell off screenshot that is completely bullshit, not even remotely close to the gameplay at all).
A lovely made game with the aspect of something quite simple: Don't starve, Just like in Minecraft, you have to survive the envorvirement and make sure you have food, shelter and a way to defend yourself from the dark evil thinks lurking about.

Yes it's a part of the Forgotten realms world, and it's one of the good ones out there of MMO, you can say whatever you want about DDO, but in my eyes, Neverwinter is way better.
The creators is the "Cryptic", which has done Star Trek online and other games for 'Perfect world''

XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
Holy crap, i regret not getting this game when it came out, I played the first game in the 90's and had a blast, And i didnt even understand a thing i did! but thanks to my cusin, he taught me most of it when we played it! It's a Turn based Strategy games which involves researching, requiting soldiers and interrogate Aliens to save the world!
Sooo that's atleast some of the games I will be talking about later on, on how they actually gave me a good value of my money (wait... Neverwinter is free! oh well, you get my point!) and the joy i've had and having with the games.
Aaaaand i'm off!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Voice Acting, the Importance of telling a story. Today: Guild Wars 2
Sound is really important to any aspect of the creative world, from music to games.
Let's give an example on good voice actors in games (since this is a blog about games, DUH!)
Monday, April 15, 2013
Listening to music while playing.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Gamer Girls
Gamer girls is a rare specie found in the occasional events of Gaming or where the companies introduce new games. Or even on events where you dress up as your favorite protagonist or antagonist or just a.... plant.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
I mean, just look at Sim City, Far Cry 3, Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Planetside 2 etc. I feel it was too much hype around it compared to how it actually is. I'm not saying "don't get your hopes up" but when you see all those in game trailers and how it's looking awesomely and everything, I've burned myself so many times on it.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Guild Wars 2: Super Adventure Box!
If you read my "Easter! Guild Wars 2 News!" and the April fools' day, I've been talking shortly about the info I had on it. Well, Now I've tried it myself and here it is!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Easter! Guild Wars News!
How is it going with the legendary project?
And now for something completely different:
Fire and frost
April fools' day

Bugged event in cursed shore

But the amount of different loot you could gain and even the rare items makes this broken event a huge money making machine. After the time i spent on farming there ( at least 2 hours per day) I gained 340 heavy moldy sacks, around 190 per tier 5 item and 16-43 per tier 6 items and 40-42 rares which resulted in approximately 50-56 glob of ectoplasm and last but not least... 25 gold gained.
Now then, as i said this is now fixed, but maybe one day it will get bugged again and you should be ready to get in there and gain some loot!
That will be all for now.
Keep on playing!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Guild Wars 2: My Character, my goals
Hopefully you've read my Introduction to Guild Wars 2, Leveling through "Questing" and Events and Leveling through crafting and maybe caught an eye on the norn characters in one of the pictures, well that's me and a friend.
The Past: first Character
When Guild Wars 2 started I made a human female Mesmer, I fell in love with the class in the beta and I was leveling with friends and had a good time, until my first Dungeon run.
It was horrible and it was a slaughter, the combat mechanic was so different from any game I tried so I felt like a total noob running around there. Thankfully we had some patient random players with us that explained boss fights, traps and certain mobs (NPC enemies if you didn't already know that). Sooner or later I got the hang of handling my class and it was even more fun!
Later on I started studying on how Mesmer actually works; What's the best stat, how should I use my skills and when to use them. Sooner or later it all fell into my fingertips but I still feel that the class was a glass cannon, too fragile but massive on damage.
After a while I started to get bored with my Mesmer and started leveling up a Thief, Guardian, Ranger and an Elementalist. Thief, Guardian and Ranger is now lvl 80 and I'm leveling my Elementalist but I still didn't find the "right" class for me. Once again I made a new character, watched every class closely and wondered what would fit me since I'm mostly a supportive/assisting/tanking/healing kind.
This game don't have the "specific" roles to the classes, by that I mean we don't have the typical "priest healer" or "Warrior Tank" type. In Guild Wars 2 even a warrior can be a healer and Engineer can be the "tanky" type. it's all about how you gear up and spend your traits.
Then one day, I made a new character with a friend and I figured I wanted to try out the Warrior class, in my eyes they seemed too simple, "wield some weapons and just mash your face on the keyboard = Win" But i was wrong, so horribly wrong it's not even funny. I had a blast running around with dual axes and my greatsword, butchering through any enemy in my path. For each level I gained, I felt new doors opened up for my Warrior and I had some challenges with certain events or Story Line, but I learned from my mistakes and improved my tactics.
And finally, my Warrior reached level 80, I could now finally craft and equip the armor with the orange text, Exotic. I started grabbing all my mats and craftet Helmet, shoulders, chest piece, gloves, legging and boots. Finally, my Warrior was prepared for the Ruins of Orr, no enemy should stop me from gaining better loot or karma!
....or so I Though. The first thing that happens to me in Cursed shore is that I get so horrible crushed by the horde of undead roaming the place while I'm just trying to make a living. They just send me to the grave, over and over again, I got frustrated and called for backup, I gather my friends and started to head from North of Cursed shore to the south.
We had a good time, but we felt that something was wrong, we couldn't quite do enough damage to finish of the undead fast enough or nuke the target when it was needed.
Then I figured that the problem was me. Truth be told, after all those hours playing warrior and I thought I had the hang of it, I didn't. I might have used some of the right skills and utility skills, but i still missed on how certain skills worked and how it affected to the party.
So I started to research, reading and watching how others play their Warrior and get some information on how to improve myself.
Thanks to Dontain, A commentator(?) who plays Warrior with a Legendary (thanks to fans and friends) two-handed Sword "Twilight". He have so many videos about what type of build you want to go with your warrior and gear, the looks on certain weapons and gear, how to get the items and he even have videos on his progress with the Legendary. He has done so much for the subscribers with the videos about tips n' tricks, not only with the warrior class, but with the game itself! Do check him out!
The present: My Warrior
Once again, So I thought!
Now that I've gotten everything I wanted, I started searching for something else to get my hands on. I started a Collection of Axes, which will be completed sooner or later, but I wanted a challenge, something that takes time to do.
ah yes.... I want a legendary to complete it all, you probably think I'll go for Twilight or Sunrise.
- The arm holding Frostfang is covered in ice.
- The user leaves icy footsteps.
- The "mouth" of the axe opens and closes and emits an icy breath.
- Some skills differ slightly, such as Life Blast (Necromancer skill) which has an icy effect.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
The Startup of Sim City, Part 3: City Specialization
What is City Specialization?
Well my good sir/Ma'am! It's all about how you're going to contribute to the others in the region with workforce, work, tourism, plastic, TVs, processors etc. the list goes on.
Let's get it started!
"HEY! You're forgetting 1! n00b!", yes and no, i'm not counting the Trading Specialization since you need to earn Money to actually make something good out of it. Sure you could import all kinds of resources to make a different one that sells for more, but to do so you need the money for it.
Mining is the most efficient and easiest way to earn Money in this game.
You can mine Coal for your Coal plant or making Alloy. Raw ore to sell or to make Metal and earn even more money from it.
The Trading Specialization goes hand in hand with Drilling, mining and Electronics because of the selling and buying you can do with it.
Now then! remember the thing i said about Mining? I LIED! Electronics have the far highest profit by far when you get the hang of it.
You can make processors and TVs, bear in mind that this requires plastic, metal and alloy to do so.
which is a pain at times if you cant get it all.
You can host events so Sims from around the region would like to visit your beautiful city and spend their simoleons (Sims currency) in your shops! Beware the traffic!
Gambling goes almost hand in hand with Culture, it's tourism and it's money! ...and criminals... and... arsonists and... murderers. oh well still earning some money!
Coal City!

Here I'm adding mine shafts so we can mine more coal for our city, as you can see by the cyan dot we need to "click" it on the mine to actually add an extra mineshaft, this goes for the raw ore mine too.

Use Locally, Import and export.
Using it locally will make the selected resource stay in your city and used in the factories who needs it.
Importing means that you will buy the resource for a price and keep it in your city. they will buy until the Storage is full or when you turn it off.
By exporting you will sell the selected resources to the Global market, which I want to do right now. Something you need to pay attention to when it comes to Trading is when you get your trade port (the biggest storage house if you want) that there is a certain timer on the trading when it comes to trading by train. Sure nothing scary could happen, but you know, it's nice to be aware of things!
And this is part 3 of Startup of Sim City!
Next time we will go over Density and how to actually make more Sims move in as the Site is pretty small from the other Sim City Series!
Thanks for reading and don't forget to share!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Startup of Sim City, Part 2
Let's do this! I've been playing this game more and more and get lost almost everytime because of the "worker shortage" or whatnot. So let's just go for the startup of a city!


As you can see the darkest overlay is where you have the most water and will bring the water tower max water.
We finally got our Town Hall and as we can see the happiness on our Sims goes up as we plopped the building down, In this building you can get upgrades for better water/sewage pump and alike.
Now this is one of the important thing to look after, you got alot of graphical map to look for, but the Land Value is in my opinion the most important one to look after since it increases the income for residental and commercial areas.
As you can see on this graphical map, the only place with land value is where the faint blue circle is. And if you look at the window to the top right, it gives us the information on what kind of colours gives certain buildings and happiness. Let's try to improve a neighbourhood and maybe there will be more "high valued" citizens in our city.
How to do so? well just plop a Park down and keep on connecting them by clicking on the edit button in the Simple Walkway Window. Notice the Simdollar Icons right next to the park name, there is three of them and they will give you a high value aera where people can "upgrade" themselves to be high value Citizens or shops.

You have a wide Variety on what kind of parks you want, Some times they fit right in but at times you actually need to think before you're playing them down.
The shame is: it's a grid building and you can't freely build the park as you want. Which then again is going to force you to spend more time on making the parks look beautiful in your city rather than if you had the free build mode in my opinion.
Now then! after plopping down 2-3 connections to the park, you can see the land value has increased drasticly, but bear in mind, the expensive parks also have expensive upkeep, so make sure you can pay for it.
There we go! As you can see, there is already high valued resident and some of the commercial areas are upgrading aswell.
Be Aware that you need certain valued residences in your city to employ the different Industrial and commercial buildings.
And this concludes today's "intro" on starting up a City in Sim City, To be honest, the City zone is faaar to small, and they are even talking about adding an expansion pack for improving the zie. GG EA, GG!
Sigh... oh well even how much i hate this game I also love it at the same time.
I'll come back to the part Where you Specialize your city into a Gambling, Mining, Oil or Tourism City!